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Private Special Education Preschool Elementary School Near Me: Gillen Brewer School

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Bus Service

Specialized busing is a special education service that goes on your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP).

The NYC Department of Education’s (DOE) Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) provides these services for our School-Age students, while the DOE’s Pre-K Transportation Unit provides these services for our preschool students. Both provide free door-to-door service.

Please note that Gillen Brewer does not assign buses or drivers, manage routes, or control any aspect of this system. Rather, busing is provided to your student by the NYC DOE (through either OPT or the Pre-K Transportation Unit) per his or her IEP.

Enrolled families can find more information on bussing services on their Parent Portal.

Gillen Brewer Teacher escorting student from Bus Service