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Preschool Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy sessions may be conducted in a variety of settings, including our two sensory gyms, fine motor rooms, the child’s classroom or during a group sports/arts activity in order to support each child according to their individual needs. The two sensory gyms are equipped with suspended swings, therapy balls, climbing mats and a rock wall. The fine motor room has a variety of materials which include games, manipulatives, handwriting tools, and Chromebooks.

In addition to direct treatment, the Occupational Therapy Department highly values its integration with all members of the team, including teaching staff, speech and language pathology, psychology, arts department, family members, and outside providers. We routinely work with the team to provide sensory diets, adaptive equipment (i.e., slant board, seat cushion, assistive technology devices) and other strategies to improve classroom performance. As a team, we work to maximize each child’s learning potential and independence in the school environment.

Occupational therapists at Gillen Brewer have master’s degrees and are trained in the school wide philosophies and curriculum the Gillen Brewer School utilizes. Therapists participate in observation and supervision cycles and are mentored by the Head of the Occupational Therapy department.   

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